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Course 2 : GenAI for everyone

About Course

I. Introduction to Generative AI

A. Definition of Generative AI

B. Overview of its applications in various fields

C. Brief history and evolution

II. Capabilities and Limitations

A. What Generative AI Can Do

1. Generate realistic images, text, and other data

2. Enhance creativity and assist in design tasks

3. Aid in data augmentation and synthesis

B. What Generative AI Cannot Do

1. Understanding context and semantic meaning deeply

2. Independent reasoning and decision-making

3. Producing perfectly accurate outputs every time

III. Utilizing Generative AI in Your Business

A. Identifying Potential Use Cases

1. Creative content generation (art, music, storytelling)

2. Product design and prototyping

3. Data generation for training machine learning models

B. Implementation Strategies

1. Building in-house expertise or partnering with AI specialists

2. Integrating generative AI into existing workflows

3. Considering ethical implications and user privacy

IV. Addressing Misinformation and Concerns

A. Common Myths About Generative AI

1. Fear of job displacement

2. Misunderstandings about AI capabilities

3. Security and misuse concerns

B. Debunking Misinformation

1. Providing accurate information about AI capabilities and limitations

2. Highlighting real-world applications and benefits

3. Promoting responsible AI development and usage

V. Learning and Exploring Generative AI

A. Best Practices for Learning

1. Understanding foundational concepts in AI and machine learning

2. Hands-on experimentation with generative AI frameworks and tools

3. Learning from case studies and real-world examples

B. Evaluating the Relevance of Generative AI

1. Assessing potential benefits and challenges in your specific domain

2. Consulting with experts or mentors in AI and related fields

3. Experimenting with small-scale projects or prototypes to gauge usefulness

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What Will You Learn?

  • Generative AI Basics
  • Task Analysis
  • Workflow Innovation
  • Team Dynamics
  • Automation Potential
  • Retrieval Augmentation
  • Fine-tuning Techniques
  • Pretraining Methods
  • Model Selection
  • Instruction Tuning
  • Tool Integration

Course Content

Introduction to Generative AI
Learning Objectives: 1. Understanding Generative AI Define Generative AI and explore its connection to insights from supervised learning. Illustrate how advancements in supervised learning contribute to our understanding of Generative AI. 2. Addressing Limitations and Boundaries Identify the limitations and boundaries of Generative AI. Apply practical techniques and strategies to create prompts that improve the quality and relevance of responses from large language models (LLMs). 3. Exploring Use Cases List common use cases for Generative AI in various tasks such as writing, reading, and chatting. Discuss applications of Generative AI in web-based and software-based interfaces.

  • What is Generative AI?
  • Generative AI Applications
  • Learning artifacts – Part 1

Generative AI Projects
Generative AI Projects: identify and build generative AI use cases and technology options

Advanced Technologies: Beyond Prompting

Generative AI in work and life

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